Have any question about your order? Feel free to check out these FAQs to find your answer as soon as possible!



Where do you ship?

We have warehouses in Asia, Europe, and North America.

How long does it usually take for an order to arrive?

Most orders are delivered with 2-14 business days. If you're ever concerned about your order, feel free to contact us.

My shipment has been delayed, can I have a refund?

We do not offer refunds for delayed shipments unless it's been 7 days since you ordered.



I need to change my order ?

Unfortunately . please note that we are only able to make changes to your order if it has not been fulfilled yet If you want to change anything in your order , please contact us via email at support within 24 nours after placing your order . If the order has been shipped , we can no longer make modifications to your order.


I gave you the wrong address ?

Unfortunately , please note that we are only able to make changes to your order if it has not been fulfilled yet . Please email us at support explaining your situation and if we haven ' t shipped your order yet we can make the change !


I didn ' t receive an Order Confirmation or Shipping Confirmation email ?

Our store autormatically sends out an Order Confirmation and Shipping Confirmation email after you place your order and when we put your order in the mail . If you didn ' t receive these emails , please check your Spam or Junk folder and add us as a contact to receive updates on your order.



What payment methods do you accept ?

We offer secure shopping and accept payments via PayPal  and all major credit and debit card companies


What is your refund policy ?

We offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee within 30 days after you receive your items . This means we will refund your purchase if you are for any reason not completely satisfied with your items ! We want to provide a risk - free and pleasant shopping experience and trust our customers not to take advantage of this offer Please see our Refund Policy



How do I contact you ?

If you have any questions that are not answered in this FAQ, please e-mail us at support and we will get back to you within 24h.